Mentoring, Coaching and Accompaniement

Miriam Subirana Thinking Partner

With mentoring the process of self development and professional development speeds up. His or her potential is liberated.

Miriam Subirana offers also spiritual accompaniment for whom wants more than just self development and seeks integration. For the one who searches meaning. In the sessions she includes meditation, mentoring, coaching, creativity and dialogue.

She brings her experience of 35 years of personal practice, of coaching and teaching meditation. She has accompanied hundreds of people in their personal and spiritual development.

Strategic accompaniment:

The need

The world is experiencing a rapid and fundamental social, economic and environmental transformation. The capacity that companies have to integrate the economic and social agenda into their business mission and their relationships with their clients will define which companies will survive and be successful in the twenty-first century, and which will fail.

We are living in turbulent times in which it is easy to get lost and lose the way. The pressures of shareholders, clients and the market in general demand results from us; technology and globalisation are pushing us toward permanent changes. It seems that the rules have changed and management has to be permanently adapting itself to new scenarios. The changes are happening at such a velocity that greater speed is required to adjust the style and approaches toward the new realities of the present-day environment of the market and business. A leader needs clarity, confidence in him or herself, self-esteem, determination and courage if he or she wants to survive these times with health and balance.

Who it is aimed at

The strategic accompaniment of Yesouisi is aimed at the management teams of organisations, companies and organisations of the Tertiary Sector. We accompany the teams of high-level management, boards of directors and area or department managers.

The objectives of strategic accompaniment

In strategic accompaniment we help people to develop all their leadership potential and to improve their efforts. We accompany them in the creation of their project of personal alignment with the project of alignment and consolidation of the management team. The accompaniment helps to align the vision, mission and values of the manager with those of the company, maximising his/her development and optimising his/her efforts and those of collaborators to guarantee the attainment of the objectives adapting themselves to the present day.

Strategic accompaniment means guiding people in their taking of decisions and becoming the owners of their own possibilities. New perspectives are generated and action plans are defined that are rooted in creativity and commitment.

People are helped to be totally present in each moment and each phase of their life.

The accompaniment facilitates a process of organisational change:

  • Re-vitalising the organisational culture.
  • Giving direction to change.
  • Integrating values.
  • Developing people.

The accompaniment is adapted to the particular needs of the organization.

We use Appreciative Inquiry by applying the SOAR model which focuses on Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results.

Benefits and results

As a result of the strategic accompanying we obtain:

  • Co-alignment of the management team.
  • Management of the risks of change.
  • Development of the management team and of the rest of the people of the organisation.
  • Alignment of the objectives of the company or organisation with the objectives of the people.
  • Commitment and responsibility of all the members of the team.

We share practical tools in order to:

  • Take good decisions.
  • Improve upon the capacity for reflection and analysis, introducing intuition, emotion and creativity in balance with the rational and intellectual.
  • Improve the management of one’s own emotions.
  • Identify limiting influences and beliefs, of one’s own and around one, that generate difficulties in carrying it out.
Descúbre qué es la Indagación Apreciativa + info aquí